Autor: Dorota Mazanek | Strony: 279–321
In this article the author presents the repertoire of glass vessels found during excavations carried out in the so-called Hellenistic House in Nea Paphos at Cyprus. Field works in this area have been lead by the Polish Mission in the years 1986–1997 and 2007–2009. The paper supplies at first, in a form of a short table an overview of excavation in the Hellenistic House (HH). Next comes a catalogue of diagnostic fragments of glass vessels divided in provisional groups A to N. Attributions to these groups were made in terms of vessels’ shapes, their purpose and the way they were made. Where it proved possible, parallels from other Cypriot archaeological sites and other areas of the Roman Empire were introduced. While researching through the Paphos HH material, the author has not found any possibly unique distinctive feature for glass vessels unearthed on Cyprus: all forms of glass vessels from HH were widespread throughout the whole Mediterranean area under the Roman rule.
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